Texas Rangers Baseball Club Interval Throwing Program

Pitchers: Complete the program through the 120 feet phase, then the mound program. 

Infielders: Complete the program through the 150 feet phase. 

Outfielders: Complete the program through the 180 feet phase. 

If you want to throw hard and throw accurately you must throw hard and throw repeatedly…However, your shoulder and arm must have time to heal and adapt to the imposed demand. Progression too rapidly in the throwing program will DELAY your recovery and return to sport.

Always pay careful attention to your throwing motion/mechanics: 

 Use a gathering step to initiate your throwing motion on all throws

 Use a 4 seam grip to allow better view of ball rotation

 Stay on top of the ball

 Throw over the top

 Keep your elbow at or above shoulder level

 Avoid trunk extension or shoulder dip (causes high arc on throws)

 Use your legs

 Follow through with your arm and trunk. Emphasize your follow through in the early part of the throwing program to promote good mechanics

Throw on line, but throw with sub-maximal effort and throw within your comfort level. If you cannot throw on line at a given distance, do not lob the ball in an attempt to move to the next level. Example: at 90 feet, the arc or the path of the ball should not carry the ball higher than about ten feet.

Throwing with a qualified coach or pitching instructor will improve your ability to progress in the throwing program. Videotape your throwing workout at least once a week to analyze your throwing motion and your progress.

You must meet the following criteria to move to the next level: 

 No pain or stiffness while throwing

 No pain or stiffness after throwing (mild muscle soreness acceptable)

 Good throwing motion/mechanics

 Good throwing accuracy throughout the current level

 Throws are consistently on line

 Good strength throughout the current level with little fatigue

Continue your upper trunk, scapula and rotator cuff rehabilitation program throughout the interval throwing program. 

The interval throwing program is a guide that should be adapted or modified to meet your individual progress and problems. Anticipate throwing every other day for three days at each throwing level. However, if you are having problems at a given level, remain at that level or return to the previous level until your problem is corrected or resolves. Do not hesitate to take an extra day or two off if you are having problems. If your problems do not resolve, see your athletic trainer or doctor. 

Hat Drills: the hat drill program is designed to improve your ability to throw flat or slightly down with better strength and throwing accuracy. When you reach the hat drill phase indicated for your position, place a hat at 120 feet (pitchers), 150 feet (infielders), or 180 feet (outfielders) from your position. Your throwing partner is positioned behind the hat to catch the ball on one bounce. Your goal is to throw with effort, imagining that you are throwing through the chest of another throwing partner standing 30 feet (pitchers) or 45 feet (infielders and outfielders) in front of the hat. Attempt to hit the hat.

For  a complete rundown of the schedule and program please download here:

Download the plan
